Buy High Voltage Insulated Safety Rescue Hooks | EINTAC

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Safety Rescue Hooks Ensuring Safe Recovery

Working on or around high voltage electrical systems carries a large potential risk. Electrocution risk can be very high if the correct measures are not taken. For this reason, a rescue hook is a life-saving device that should be readily available anywhere that high voltage electrical systems are interacted with.

Safety Rescue Hooks are the safest way to retrieve a victim of electric shock while protecting the rescuer. Being electrically insulated they allow the rescuer to separate the victim from the power source to allow first aid to be administered safely.

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It should be stored in a clear, accessible and prominent place alongside instructions allowing anyone to be able to recover victims of electric shock in the safest way possible.

For more information about our safety rescue hook range, or to benefit from our assistance and expertise please contact us on +44 (0)1376 525606 or

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