The Importance of Insulated Tools When Working on EHV's - EINTAC

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Using insulated tools is not always an obvious priority for vehicle Technicians or Mechanics when working on an Electric or Hybrid Vehicle (EHV) – but it is essential. An insulated tool kit must be a fundamental part of a Technician’s or Mechanics equipment, especially with the increasing number of electric and hybrid vehicles on the road. Having access to these tools ensures that the job can be undertaken and completed professionally and most importantly, safely.

The published guidelines on the HSE website: 

This provides some very useful information, that should be studied carefully.

In September 2015, the IMI reported that “less than 1% of UK’s motor vehicle Technicians (approx. 1000 individuals) were trained and qualified to work on EHVs”. It was expected that by 2018 only 1000 more Technicians were expected to qualify – a significantly low figure.

Our Insulated tools protect the user against electric shock in the event that any contact is made with an energized source. This is critical when you consider that the high voltage circuits in EHV’s carry between 400-800 VDC (depending on the manufacturer).

Don’t Do It Yourself…

Sadly we often hear of Technicians taking totally unnecessary and potentially fatal risks by modifying regular tools, for example by wrapping insulation tape around spanner handles and screwdriver shank. For some reason insulated tools are perceived as being expensive – they are not, and they could save your life!

Even if the correct isolation procedure has been followed, always use insulated tools as there is always the possibility of ‘trapped’ voltage inside components of parts of the wiring circuit.

Our extensive range of insulated tools are individually tested and certified up to 1000V and include: ratchets, sockets, screwdrivers (including Torx), spanners/wrenches, torque wrenches, pliers and cable cutters. For your convenience specifically designed insulated tool kits are available to provide a combination of the above tools suitable for a range of different environments. Should you require a tool or bespoke tool kit beyond our standard range, please contact us for more information.

It should be noted that although insulated tools are an important factor in the overall chain of safety when working on EHVs, other safety items such as insulated glovesdielectric overboots and other protective clothing should also be used.

Contact us for more information / 01376 525 606.

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