The most efficient way to isolate and extinguish car fires, even in electric vehicles.
Car Fire Blanket FR – Single-Use
Car Fire Blankets are designed to be quickly deployed over any vehicle fire.
The most efficient way to isolate and extinguish car fires, even in electric vehicles.
Any car fire is dangerous and toxic. A car fire in a gas station, road tunnel, car park or passenger ferry can be a disaster. The Car Fire Blanket enables you to contain the flames, smoke and toxic fumes in a car fire in seconds – and extinguish it in minutes. It’s the only solution that can effectively handle fires in electric cars.
Fire Blanket FR (First Responder) is an industrial commercial duty blanket. Ideal for all Facilities Management Applications. This lightweight blanket is designed to be deployed by any competent person(s) first on the scene of a vehicle fire. It can be used as a measure to contain the vehicle fire until emergency fire fighting services arrive on the scene.
- Size: 6m x 8m (20ft x 26ft)
- Weight: 26kgs
- Single Use Blanket
- Suitable for temperatures 800ᵒC -1600ᵒC
- Supplied in a kit bag
EINTAC offer a half day training course to give all staff the knowledge of how to safely use a Vehicle Fire Blanket in the event of a fire.