Over the past 5 years, there has been a 400% growth in electric and hybrid technology. This has dramatically increased the risks associated with the maintenance and repair of these vehicles.
It’s time for professionals working in the motor vehicle and repair industry to get up-to date on the technology developments and critical safety measures operated with these vehicles as the continued increase is imminent.
Knowing The Risks…
Risks associated with EHVs are known to emerge from battery replacements, removal of high voltage safety devices (switches or plugs) or when replacing components. Less obvious risks include valeting, vehicle response and roadside recovery. In addition to this, the design of EHVs are considerably different to traditional vehicles which also introduces additional hazards into the workplace.
Before carrying out a repair or service on any electric or hybrid vehicle, technicians should attend a specialist training course. These training courses are an essential requirement to ensure the safety of technicians when working on high voltage vehicles and teach the required skills to identify dangerous hazards, outlining how to carry out repairs and routine maintenance checks harmlessly.
Getting Qualified
Currently, very few technicians are qualified to work on electric and hybrid vehicles. This could all change following the Institute of Motor Industry (IMI) announcing their concerns for technicians working on automated and electric vehicles. A request has been made by IMI for regulations to be put in place to ensure technicians are properly trained, accredited and licenced to carry out repairs and maintenance of these vehicles.
Total Lockout currently provide electric and hybrid safety courses through a 3rd party training provider. The course covers what tools and equipment is required to work safely on vehicles, these products can be purchased directly from our online shop.
For more information about EHV training courses, please contact us on – (0)1376 325 506 / ehv@totallockout.com
Sources: www.hse.gov.uk & www.theimi.org.uk