The Growing Need For EV Technicians - Car Electrician Course - EINTAC

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The Growing Need For Electric Vehicles Technicians

While the benefits of EVs have led to an increase in demand, many people are still hesitating when it comes to making the switch from fuel-based cars. One underreported reason for this is due to there not being enough technicians to help maintain and repair EVs. While EVs are no harder to repair than fuel-based cars, specialised training is required. As such, taking a car electrician course will provide the technical skills to carry out such services in a fast-growing industry. So here are the reasons car garages should plan ahead and start training more EV technicians.

Eintac - Car Electrician Course

Issues with EV Repair

With EV technology growing and becoming much more widespread, the demand for technicians and mechanics trained in handling electric vehicles is growing alongside. EVs present their own challenges in terms of the safety of the mechanic, as the individual will be dealing with high voltage parts.

Training is fundamental when dealing with these parts to avoid unsafe practices that could harm either the vehicle or the mechanic. Not only could this result in the vehicle being sent off to a specialist repair shop, costing both time and money, but the injury the mechanic could incur is likely to be severe, or in some cases even fatal.

Thankfully, there are many car electrician courses available for accreditation that EINTAC can arrange, whether it’s for yourself or your mechanics.

The Value of Car Electrician Courses

A car electrician course gives learners knowledge and skills in how to service EVs, as well as the risks and safety methods involved. A basic car electrician course should teach the following:

  • How to tell various types of EVs apart, including BEVs, HEVs and PHEVs.
  • Hazards and risks involved with EV maintenance and how to safely work around them.
  • Understanding the risks of electric shocks and how to avoid them.
  • How to safely de-power EVs and replace batteries.
  • Being able to identify equipment like HEV cables, HEV batteries and auxiliary batteries.
  • Learning how to check the voltage on the auxiliary battery.
  • Disabling power sources.
  • Understanding how to work safely with all equipment.

At EINTAC we offer training on these skills in our Basic Awareness Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Training. Once certified you can then go onto high level courses that will boost your EV skills.

Training with EINTAC

Since 2016 we at EINTAC have been providing the EV industry with high quality products, training courses and expert knowledge. To speak with our qualified expert team contact us online or via phone. We can help book the car electrician course that’s right for you and your team.

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